This episode we talk about Dungeons and Dragons (D&D). This is a topic near and dear to Alex and Nick, as it's how they became friends in the first place. Our guests this episode are two avid players, Elyse Suhay and Don Seipel. They've had very different experiences playing the game, but it's become a big part of both their lives.
Episode Link:
Our featured music is from Lovely Socialite!! Grab a copy of their newest release "Double Shark" below. Also check out the great video they made for their single from that album, "Glass".
The man, the myth, the legend.... Gary Gygax, one of the original creators of D&D
Here's an example THAC0 (To Hit Armor Class 0) Chart, used in the early days of D&D. Based on the character's level and the level of the armor, you can see what roll from a D20 (or 20-sided die) is needed to hit the enemy.
Some of the other D&D podcasts we talk about, and links to their sites:
The Adventure Zone (The hosts of "My Brother, My Brother & Me" play D&D with her dad):
YogsCast (the podcast that got Elyse interested in playing):
Roll20 Presents (game designers and pro video gamers playing D&D):
And, the always popular show... Harmon Quest (Dan Harmon, head writer of "Community" and "Rick & Morty")
Some additional D&D resources:
Nick's favorite source for maps:
Powered By The Apocalypse (the role-playing game Don mentions):
Fate (another role-playing alternative to D&D):
An app for adventure sounds: