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007 - Jessica Fletcher (Music Therapy)

Welcome back! In this episode we talk with music therapist Jessica Fletcher! Jessica is a friend of Nick's from high school who is out there doing great things in the world as a board certified music therapist. Support this profession in any way you can, it's truly changing lives. Be sure to check out the videos below to see some far reaching aspects of music therapy. Each one is very inspiring in it's own way.

Topics Include: Misconceptions of Music Therapy, Music Therapy Populations, Approaches to MT, Code Violet, Hospice Care, Children's Hospitals, Nordoff Robbins Approach, Higher Education, Degrassi, Charles Manson and many more!

Our featured musical guest for this episode is Cincinnati's own Jazz-adjacent trio, Animal Mother!! Buy their music now!! It's very very good! PROOF:

Example of Music Therapy helping newborns!!

Music Therapy in hospitals/ music therapists talking about why they do it.

Part of a special on music therapy.

Finally.... not music therapy-related... but we talk about it near the beginning of the episode. Charles Manson sings.

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